Sum of the Parts

My Photo
Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States

Jill of all trades, mistress of none.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I feel like I've been beaten

Our trip was great. It's the homecoming that was challenging.

The morning we left Colorado, I felt a little tickle in my throat... nothing big, nothing to worry about. Ha! Steadily, since we returned to Texas, the little tickle has grown into a raging sore throat. My head feels like it's full of concrete; usually on only one side of my head at a time. My throat and ears itch and hurt, and now I've added a wretched cough to my litany of complaints. My "Rocky Mountain High" has turned into a South Texas Low.

It does feel rather like my body is mirroring my soul. I love the mountains and I wasn't ready to leave. I loved the opportunity to rest (which is rare in our household), to be with Gordon all day, and to engage in my creative bead pursuit as well as various other outdoor activities that feed my soul. My heart was sick to leave, so my body followed suit.

I walked into the office Monday to find 180-something emails; that, even after setting the "rule" to automatically send out the "I'm away from the office" message. I waded through that, met our new student, worked on reports, and generally had an administrative sort of day.

Tuesday was another story entirely. I was the only one in the office for the greater part of the day. I did all the referals and crisis issues. One of those issues involved one of our nurses. She had a meltdown at work, had me paged, and left the building to go home before I could return the page. I wound up at her house last night for a couple of hours. Life is just so hard. Through up a prayer or two for her.

Have I ever told you that I love nurses? Well, I do. I'm sure that there's some sick, twisted, unhealthy angle to that love... the one that has to do with being caregivers and the temptation to do too much. At the same time, there is a healthy respect for the rigors of what nurses do. My gosh, we expect perfection. If the world only knew the demands... you'd be surprised.

Pick up a magazine. Watch the evening news. All you hear is how unsafe hospitals are. Yes, there are many safety concerns. Last year during my mother's hospitalization and surgery, I was stunned by a number of errors. My former CEO had a horrific experience during his father's hospitalization following a heart attack. (Neither of these events took place in one of our hospitals!)

While I know there is reason for concern, there is also reason for gratitude. I work daily with people who give their all to eliminate, or at least alleviate, illness and suffering. Remarkable stories of healing and love are regular occurences. Remarkable people consistently risk their hearts by caring for those in need.

Nothing quite like rambling, huh?

Well, here's hoping that my allergy/cold/respiratory mess clears up quickly. In the meanwhile, I'm looking for a way to keep the mountains in my heart.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Time Flies

Life has been rather hectic.

We've sent the girls back to school with all the mountain of paperwork that entails.

The hospital has been swarming with surveyors. Actually, it's been that way since last fall. It's beginning to feel like a normal part of life to be under the microscope, and it is incredibly stressful for our staff.

We have graduated one CPE student and are prepared to receive another this week. Six months at a time, a student works in the pastoral care department of my hospital for the clinical portion of their internship year. We also have an extended student who will be with us one day a week. Orienting new students is very time consuming, but also exciting.

We have moved in new office furniture and since I am not the most organized of folks, I know that it will be a while until I find all my stuff.

I've been buying beads online. I've convinced myself that I can make something beautful out of these beads, since they themselves are so beautiful already. G and I leave for a trip this week, so I plan to use my time to learn and experiment while we relax and enjoy some time together.

Went to MD Anderson this week with my parents for my mother's check up. Thank God, it went well. Still no need for treatment.

G and I have done some work on my website and looking into getting away from paypal as a means of payment on my business page.

So, if you've wondered...that's pretty much why I have not posted in a while.